Hope of Israel Ministries (Ecclesia of YEHOVAH):

Ancient Britons and Proto-Celts Were Israelites!

All the blessings and curses for the Israelites in the Bible apply to us. Our oldest law systems were derived from the original laws we used to follow that were passed down from Adam through Seth, Noah, Shem and Abraham and on to Moses. The ancient laws that Alfred the Great recorded in 890 A.D. are the same laws that the Biblical Israelites kept and his laws are acknowledged as having the same source as the Brehon laws of Ireland and Scotland.

by Sven Longshanks

Britain gets it’s name from King Brutus, the grandson of King Aeneas, who was the founder of the Roman Empire. Prince Brutus arrived on "the great white island" with a large group of his fellow Trojans escaping the devastation of Troy, and was recognized and welcomed by three tribes of his Aryan Shemitic brethren that were already here, and who proceeded to proclaim him King of the entire island. Brutus founded the city of Caer Troia (New Troy) on the Thames, which later became known as "Londinium" by the Romans. 

The Welsh Bruts give the date as being when the Philistines of the Old Testament held the ark of the Covenant in captivity and when Beli was the high priest of Judah, both of which are mentioned in the Book of 1 Samuel. A commemorative stone of where he first set foot on the island has stood at Totnes in Devon since 1100 B.C. These people became known as the Ancient Britons and would later be absorbed into the Celts, Gauls and Saxons who also have their origins in the tribes of Jacob-Israel.

Previous to King Brutus arriving in Britain, his ancestor King Cecrops (Calcol/Calchol) had begun the Irish dynasty of Kings at Ulster around 1700 B.C. He also founded Athens and was at the head of all the kingly lines in Europe, owing to him being  one of the sons of Zarah, who was the son of Judah, the patriarch of the same tribe from which King David and Yeshua the Messiah were descended. He was almost as wise as Solomon according to the biblical record, and had a brother called Darda (also known as Dardanus and Dara) who founded Troy and whose descendants ruled there until the destruction of it, when the last son of the Kingly line and grandfather of King Brutus, King Aeneas, married the daughter of Latinus and started off the Roman empire.

King Cecrops, the ancestor of all today’s Kingly bloodlines, was said to have left Egypt before the famous exodus and we have records of his descendants spreading west along the Mediterranean, leaving clearly Hebrew names to the places they colonized, like the Ebro valley, the river Iber and Saragossa (stronghold of Zarah) in Spain. They became known to history as the Iberians and also gave their name to Ireland, first being Iberne, then Erne, then Latinized to Hibernia.

Later, there was another wave of Hebrew colonists escaping the Egyptian tyranny. The classical writers and historians Heraceteus of Abdere 600 B.C., Dioderus Siculis 50 B.C., Euripedes 440 B.C. and Strabo 44 B.C., all make reference to large groups of Hebrew settlers leaving Egypt just before Moses led the remainder away in the Exodus. They were from the tribe of Dan and settled Argos, the oldest city in Greece and became known as the Danaii, eventually being forced from there and ending up in Ireland as the Tuattha de Danaan.

The Other Exodus

In the days of the Pharaohs, we read of an adventurous hero named Danaos and his followers who dwelled in Egypt. Then came an event, or series of events now corrupted by the mists of time, which caused them to be exiled by the Egyptians. Recorded history then tells us that they boarded ships in Egypt and sailed away to establish new homes in Greece.

The beginning of Greek history is often dated to this “exile” of Danaos and his followers, called Danaoi or Danaan, from Egypt. This event has been dated by historians to about 1450 to 1493 B.C. However, it is significant that the Hebrew exodus from Egypt under Moses is dated to the very same time-period: 1447 to 1491 B.C. Are these two events related? Could indeed the Danaan “exile” from Egypt have been a part of the Hebrew “exodus”? An analysis of ancient records indicates that this was indeed the case.

Some historians say that the Egyptians left no contemporary surviving accounts of the presence of Hebrews and the exodus. The Universal Jewish Encyclopedia (iv:7) reports, however, that as early as the 15th century, “Egyptian texts…mention…a foreign people called “Apuriu” residing in Egypt and performing the service of slaves.” The encyclopedia further states that these people are identified by many scholars as the Habiru or Hebrews. Ancient records also report that a Semitic people called Danaan were expelled from Egypt, and sailed to Greece to establish the early Greek civilization. Could the fabled Danaan be a reference to the Biblical Hebrew tribe of Dan?

William Ridgeway’s Early Age of Greece (p. 220) dated the Danaan exodus from Egypt as 1450 B.C. This is virtually identical to the date of the Hebrew exodus, which is dated to 1447 B.C. by Dr. Stephen E. Jones and 1453 B.C. in Dr. Adam Rutherford’s Bible Chronology (p. 120). Other historians use slightly differing dates: The History of Etruria (p. 95) by Mrs. Hamilton Gray dates the Danaan exile at 1493 B.C., which compares to a Hebrew exodus of 1491 B.C. according to Bishop Usher’s dating (McClintock & Strong’s Encyclopedia III:396). Two unrelated Egyptian exoduses did not occur at the same time! Historic evidence indicates that the Danaan were the seafaring Biblical tribe of Dan and were therefore part of the Hebrew Exodus. The Bible tells us that the tribe of Dan were seafarers who “stayed in their ships.” (Judges 5:17) The Bible also gives much other evidence of Hebrew seafaring in ancient times.

It should be mentioned that some Christian expositors date the exodus two centuries later, around 1225-1275 B.C., trying to fit a full 400-year captivity entirely within Egypt through a misunderstanding of the Scripture record. (See Secrets Of Time, by Dr. Stephen E. Jones for details on this issue.) Many scholars agree that this date is too late, and conflicts with the time of the Judges. In addition, Egyptian monuments during the 14th century refer to a region of western Galilee as “Aseru,” which was settled by the Hebrew tribe of Asher after the settlement of Canaan. (Jewish Encyclopedia 2:180) Therefore, Israel had to have already settled Canaan by that time.

The Jewish Encyclopedia also points out that “I Kings 6:1 fixes the interval between the exodus and the building of the Temple at over 480 years. Rehoboam -- 41 years after the building of the Temple (I Kings 14:25) -- is contemporaneous with Shishak, the first king of the twenty-second dynasty (c. 950 B.C.). This would give about 1470 B.C. for the Exodus. The finding by Flinders Petrie (1896) of an inscription by Merneptah I, in which for the first time Isir’l occurs in an Egyptian text, as well as the contents of the El-Amarna tablets, has corroborated the virtual correctness of the date given above.” (5:296) This date of 1470 B.C. is exactly in the middle of the narrow date range given by other scholars for both the Hebrew exodus and the Danaan exile from Egypt.

The Semitic Danaan, the Tribe of Dan

The Semitic identity of the ancient Danaan sailors has been commented on by historians. G. F. Schomann stated, “Even among the ancients some considered that the [Danaan] settlers who arrived [in Greece] from Egypt were at any rate not of Egyptian descent, but adventurers of Semitic race, who, having been expelled from Egypt, had some of them turned towards Greece” (Antiquities Of Greece, p.12).

These Danaan were not only Semitic; they were Hebrews, according to ancient Egyptian records. Professor Max Duncker, in The History Of Antiquity (I:456-466), gave fascinating details of a two-fold land/sea exodus as told in an ancient Egyptian account:

“The narrative of Hecataeus of Abdera, who was in Egypt in the time of Ptolemy I, and wrote an Egyptian history, gives us the most unprejudiced account, composed from the widest point of view, and connects the emigration of the Hebrews, whom he does not consider Egyptians, with the supposed emigration from Egypt to Greece. [Hecataeus says,] 'Once, when a pestilence had broken out in Egypt, the cause of the visitation was generally ascribed to the anger of the gods. [Editor’s Note: The Ten Plagues are called a 'pestilence' in Exodus 9:14-15, and were indeed caused by YEHOVAH God!]

"As many strangers dwelt in Egypt, and observed different customs in religion and sacrifice, it came to pass that the hereditary worship of the gods was being given up in Egypt. The Egyptians, therefore, were of opinion that they would obtain no alleviation of the evil unless they removed the people of foreign extraction. [Note: This 'removal' is the Egyptian appellation for the exodus of Scripture.] When they were driven out, the noblest and bravest part of them, as some say, under noble and renowned leaders, Danaus and Cadmus, came to Hellas [Greece]; but the great bulk of them migrated into the land, not far removed from Egypt, which is now called Judea. These emigrants were led by Moses, who was the most distinguished among them for wisdom and bravery'.”

Hecataeus of Abdera was a Greek historian living in fourth century B.C. Egypt under Ptolemy I, a general of Alexander the Great. In the extract above, this ancient historian clearly connected both the Hebrews and the Danaan as part of the same exodus. Therefore, the Danaan were in fact the Biblical tribe of Dan -- a seafaring tribe and part of the Hebrew exodus.

Another marvelous account, although also spoken with a decidedly Egyptian bias, is that of Lysimachus of Alexandria (355-281 B.C.), whose history was preserved by Flavius Josephus in Contra Apionem:

“At the time of king Bocchoris [possibly the Greek name for the Pharaoh of the exodus], unclean and leprous men had come into the temples to beg for food. Hence there was a blight on the land; and Bocchoris received a response from Ammon [an Egyptian god], that the temples must be purified. The lepers, as if the sun were angry at their existence, were to be plunged into the sea, and the unclean were to be driven out of the land. Hence the lepers were... thrown into the sea; but the unclean were driven out helpless into the desert. These met together in council; in the night they lit fires and lights, and called, fasting, upon the gods to save them. Then a certain Moses advised them to go through the desert till they came to inhabited regions... they established a city Hierosyla [Jerusalem] in Judea...” (ibid., p. 463).

This ancient historic document provides evidence that the exodus involved two distinct groups with different destinations. Some of the Hebrews expelled from Egypt in the exodus were “thrown into the sea” and sailed north across the Mediterranean to found the earliest civilization in Greece, while Moses led the rest of Israel eastward “helpless into the desert” of the Wilderness.

The Exile From Egypt

What happened to cause Danaus and his followers to be expelled from Egypt? The reason handed down from the mists of time has obvious corruption to it. The Egyptian accounts refer to two brothers, Danaus and Aegyptus. Danaus was said to have 50 sons, who each married one of the 50 daughters of Aegyptus. According to the legend, each of the daughters then slew their husbands on their wedding night (Encyclopedia Britannica, 11th ed., 7:793). Aegyptus was also said to have “driven out” Danaus from Egypt. Danaus therefore designates some people who had dwelled in Egypt, and Aegyptus seems to indicate a personification of the land of Egypt itself. This strange and contorted legend, if rooted on an actual historic event, seems to indicate that some form of mass slaughter had occurred. It is far more likely that we have here evidence of the tenth plague on Egypt, the slaughter of the firstborn. This event was indeed the decisive event that caused Pharaoh to order the Hebrews to leave the land of Egypt (Exodus 12:29-33).

The waterway systems of ancient Egypt played an important part, since the Danaan went into exile on sea-going ships. The modern Suez Canal, linking the Red Sea northward to the Mediterranean, had not yet been built. Instead, a series of canals and waterways linked the Nile River eastward to the Red Sea. Encyclopedia Britannica, in an article on the Suez Canal, states: “And so it is that the earliest canals of which history has mention were constructed to link the Nile valley to the Red sea and not to pierce the narrow neck of land which separated the latter from the Mediterranean…As early as 2000 B.C., a canal linked the Pelusiac branch of the Nile, via the Wadi Tumilat, with the Bitter Lakes, whence another channel was dug to the Red sea.”

Historian Alexander Wheelock Thayer, in The Hebrews In Egypt and Their Exodus, presents evidence that on the night the exodus began, Moses had a Hebrew force seize the boats on the Nile as well as those on the canal leading to the Red Sea. Thayer says, “This may reasonably have been, to seize all the shipping and boats on the canal and Jam Suph about Pithom, to hasten…the business of crossing” the Red Sea. Thayer assumes that Moses would have been unaware that YEHOVAH God would open a footpath through the Red Sea, and originally planned to cross by boat. It also assumes that Moses planned to patiently ferry -- presumably in many hundreds of trips -- all of the hundreds of thousands of people, animals, and belongings of Israel across the Red Sea while fleeing Egyptian pursuit! This would have been impractical, since “the total number of Israelites [were] probably about two millions. This number is accepted by the best critics” (Biblical Encyclopedia by Gray and Adams I:191)

Migration of the tribes at the time of Moses and up to the Assyrian dispersion in
green, after that in red.

For whatever reason, a Red Sea crossing by boat was never attempted, for the Bible does not record the presence of any boats as the Israelites approached the Sea. Therefore, if Egyptian boats were seized for the exodus, a different plan was in place. The boats were apparently used instead by the Danite sailors as vehicles to escape from Egypt. The exodus was most probably two-pronged. It was an escape by both land and sea from the land of Pharaoh!

Danite Migrations To Europe

Whether it was their original intention or not, the Danaan sailed their ships north to the secluded bay of Argos in the Greek Peloponnesus. The Encyclopedia Judaica (5:1257) quotes a leading Israeli archaeologist, Y. Yadin, who states, “...there is a close relationship between the tribe of Dan and the tribe of Danaoi whose members were clearly seafarers.” This encyclopedia also tells us, “the name Dan should be regarded as a short form of Dan(ann)iel or the like.” (5:1255) Again the connection with the Greek Danaan is unmistakable. Dr. Robert Latham, one of the most respected 19th century authorities, firmly stated that the Danaan of Greece were the Israelite Tribe of Dan. In his Ethnology of Europe, Latham commented, “Neither do I think that the eponymus [i.e., founder] of the Argive [Greek] Danai was other than that of the Israelite tribe of Dan; only we are so used to confine ourselves to the soil of Palestine in our consideration of the history of the Israelites, that we...ignore the share they may have taken in the ordinary history of the world” (p. 137).

Archaeologist Dr. Cyrus Gordon states that they later sailed from Greece to other European coastlands, including Ireland and Denmark. In his book Before Columbus, Gordon relates, “A group of Sea People bore the name of ‘Dan.’ The Bible tells how a segment of the seafaring (Judges 5:17) Danites [were part of] the tribal system of ancient Israel...The Danites were widespread. Cyprus was called Ia-Dnan ‘The Island of Dan(an).’ The same people were called Danuna, and under this name they appear as rulers of the Plain of Adana in Cilicia. Greek tradition has their eponymous ancestor, Danaos (Dan), migrating from the Nile delta to Greece...” (p.108). Note that the Israelites did in fact emigrate from Egypt. Cyrus Gordon added, “Virgil also designated the Greeks as “Danai.” Bold scholars see the influence of the Danites in Irish folk lore...and in the name of Danmark (‘Denmark’): the land of Dan...” (p. 111).

There is indeed strong evidence that the Danaan of Ireland, Cornwall and Scotland, the Danaan of Greece and Italy, as well as the Danes of Denmark, were Israelites of the tribe of Dan. W. Ewart Gladstone in Juventus Mundi states that the Tuatha de Danaan of Ireland came from the Danaan of Greece. The similarity of name would itself seem conclusive; but is there other evidence that these two groups of Danaan were related? Dr. H. R. Hall, in The Civilization of Greece In The Bronze Age, stated concerning the Greeks of the age of Homer, “Athenian funerary lekythoi [painted vases] give us coppery-red or brown hair side by side with dark-brown or black, and generally fair complexions, resembling a certain Irish Celtic type.” (p. 288).

Keating’s History of Ireland says, “The Dannans were a people of great learning, they had overmuch gold and silver…they left Greece after a battle with the Assyrians, and for fear of falling into the hands of the Assyrians came to Norway and Denmark (Dannemark) and thence passed over to Ireland.” (p. 40). The Annals of Ireland by the Four Masters explains, “The colony called Tuatha-de-Dannan conquered the Firbolgs and became Masters of Ireland…were highly skilled in architecture and other arts from their long residence in Greece and intercourse with the Phoenicians” (p. 121). They have left their names in many places; we find Dannonia, Caledonia, and Donaghadee in the Lough of Belfast. We can see by now it is no coincidence that the early Greeks resembled the Irish Celts, because the Tuatha de Danaan of early Ireland descended from Greek “Danaan” colonists who sailed westward in search of new lands.

These Danaan colonists did indeed settle in Denmark, which name means, "Dan’s Mark" or "Dan’s Land." In ancient times, Denmark was settled by a tribe called the “Dani,” according to early Roman historian, Procopius (fifth century, A.D.), who recorded that the Dani were a group of tribes inhabiting the Danish peninsula (VI.xv.1-6). That these were part of the Hebrew tribe of Dan may be seen in the fact mentioned previously that Biblical Dan was called, “Dani-el or Dananniel,” a variation of "Dani" or "Danaan."

The Bible just records the exploits of the Israelites who settled in the Levant, but there is a wealth of evidence elsewhere to show that the Trojans, Spartans, Dorians, Lacedaemonians, Achaeans, Minoans and Danaans all descended from the common root of Shem, son of Noah, through the tribe whom YEHOVAH God made his covenant with, the House of Isaac.

There were many promises given to Abraham and his son Isaac in the Old Testament and there is only one group of people today that these promises have come true for. Likewise there are many prophecies that have only come true for one particular group of nations. Apostate church history would have us believe that ten of the tribes of Israel just disappeared from history, mingling into the heathen tribes around them. Yet there is plenty of proof that they survived, fulfilled the prophesies and gained the fruit of YEHOVAH’s promise as today’s nations of Europe.

The Dispersion and Evolution of the Tribes

Round about 740 B.C the Assyrian King Sargon II invaded the reclaimed land of Canaan that had been rightfully settled by the Israelite tribes, defeating them and transporting the tribes from there to different parts of the Assyrian empire, mainly to the east under the Caspian Sea, and to the north west of Nineveh. This was YEHOVAH’s punishment of the reprobate tribes of Israel, who had refused to keep themselves separate from the ways and peoples that surrounded them. It was Assyrian practice to place their captives on the edges of the empire to act as a buffer zone against invaders. They had freedom of movement, but had to pay tribute and were not allowed to make their own laws. Later, around 600 B.C, the Babylonians burnt Jerusalem to the ground and took the last remaining people of the tribes of Judah and Benjamin to Babylon, where they stayed in captivity until King Cyrus released them around 540 B.C. These two tribes were able to recover some of their history at that time and it is through them -- and those culturally descended from them -- that the Bible was preserved for us today. However the other ten tribes have a completely different history after their captivity and they never returned to Palestine.

Areas that the ten tribes were removed to in red, Judah and Benjamin in green.

We know the tribes of Israel by the name "Israelites" from the Bible, but it is unlikely that was the name that they called themselves by; and even more unlikely that it was the name other peoples called them. The Assyrians knew them by the name of their king "Omri" and called them the Khomri or Ghomri. After about 705 B.C that name doesn’t get mentioned again in the records, but instead a new name appears -- the Gimira or Gamera -- recorded in Assyrian letters of the time as a people living in the exact area that the Old Testament says the Israelites had been placed in, near the beginning of the Euphrates.

This group took council and decided to cross the river and search for a new land in which to dwell, as told in 2 Esdras 13:39-45. About this time we first hear of the Cimmerians being mentioned by Strabo as also being in the same place that 2 Esdras records the Israelites as being in. Strabo tells us that these Cimmerians (Khomri -- Gimira -- Cimmerian) crossed the river and went on to invade Phrygia and Lydia (modern Greece) until they were pushed further westward by the Scythians around 525 B.C.

These Scythian tribes also had their origin in Israel. They were the Israelites that were placed to the east under the Caspian sea and were called "Iskuza" by the Assyrians (derived from Isaaca),  Saka/Sakka by the Persians, and Shutae by the Greeks. They spread from east to west under the Caspian sea, pushing their Cimmerian brothers further west into Europe, while at the same time moving east into India, becoming known to history as Western Scythians and Eastern Scythians.

The eastern branch travelled as far as China and introduced Buddhism to them. Some of the titles for Guatama Buddha showed his Scythian heritage, such as Sakyashina -- lion of the tribe of Sakya, Sakyamuni -- Sakya sage, Sugata -- Happy One and Sakya -- the teacher. The western Scythians travelled through the Caucasus mountains into Europe where they occupied south Russia. They became known as the Massagetae -- the great Sakka horde, or just Sakka.

As the Cimmerians moved west they became known as Celts by the Greeks and Gauls by the Romans. They followed the Danube river (named after the tribe of Dan in the previous dispersion at the time of Moses), leaving burial mounds behind them in the same manner as the Scythian ones, filled with swords, ornaments, animals and even servants/slaves. This is known as the Hallstatt Culture today and we can still see our link to them in the traces left behind of the settlements they built -- which were in a similar style to our modern rural ones. By 300 B.C Europe was full of Celts and Gauls and some invaded Rome while others pushed back east. The eastern ones founded "Galatia" and became the Galatians whom the apostle Paul wrote his epistle to, while the western ones repeatedly attacked Rome.

As the Scythians made their way further west from the land that had, by now, been named after them, they became known as Germani, or genuine, to differentiate them from a Japhetite tribe called the Sarmatians that were now occupying their previous homeland. Some of these German tribes became known as Angles and Saxons and pushed across the channel into Britain, where they found people just like them from the earlier migrations. Other tribes colonized Scandinavia, tracing their kingly line from Odin in 200 A.D., whose genealogy also takes us back to the tribe of Judah and the House of Isaac.

Table showing the parallel kingly lines descending from Judah.

Sharing similar language and having a similar culture, these various tribes were able to soon assimilate after first fighting one another -- intermarrying and forming ties to the land, building rural farming communities and instituting the rule of Law. The language they spoke was Paleo-Hebrew, and this can clearly be seen when comparing Hebrew words to modern English and ancient Welsh.

Some similar words in English and Hebrew are: cipher -- saphar, sake -- sakan, sore -- tsur, sorrow -- tsarar, puke -- pook, chill -- chil, ahah -- ahah, mellow -- mello, direct -- derek, call -- kol, room -- rum, suck -- suk, sum -- sum, in -- in, nod -- nud, harass -- haras, no -- no, nag -- naga, yes -- yesh, push -- poosh, oath -- oth, bad -- bad, pass -- pasa, shut -- shut, mirror --  marah, hug -- ug, bore -- baar, broth -- baroth, bath -- bath, and crash -- garash. The word "British" itself, translates as brit -- covenant and ish -- man. So British means man of the covenant.

Some similar words in Welsh and Hebrew are: anafu -- anaf, annos -- anas, annwn -- annan, afange -- aphang, bara -- barah, bu -- bou, boten -- betten, bedd -- beth, breg -- berek, bwth -- buth, camel -- gamel, cas -- cass, catt -- kat, cal lach -- celach, cell -- cele, coler -- kolar, coron -- keren, dagr -- daker, and darfod -- arvod.

Christian Britain

Understanding who we are is key to finding the truth out about history and the relevance Christianity has to it. All the blessings and curses for the Israelites in the Bible apply to us. Our oldest law systems were derived from the original laws we used to follow that were passed down from Adam through Seth, Noah, Shem and Abraham and on to Moses. The ancient laws that Alfred the Great recorded in 890 A.D. are the same laws that the Biblical Israelites kept and his laws are acknowledged as having the same source as the Brehon laws of Ireland and Scotland.

Our nations are much like individual people, forgetting their childhood in the mists of time and fighting among one another like brothers do. Christianity reminded us of our history and our unique place among the tribes of the world. The remnant that was saved from the ten tribes of Israel and dispersed into the lands of the Gentiles (nations) went on to become the great nations of Europe. The apostle Paul’s epistles were written to them, to the Galatians (Celts), to the Corinthians and Ephesians (Greeks), to the Hebrews  (Europeans who had remembered who they were), and to the Romans. In the epistle to the Romans Paul makes explicit reference to the Romans being the wild olives that through the Messiah will be grafted back onto the tree -- the tree being Israel. He is identifying the Romans as being descended from Jacob Israel and fulfilling the promises made to him about his posterity. He makes it clear that all that Rome achieved was through them being these wild olives and that now is the time of their fullness.

The first church building above ground was built by Joseph of Aramathea in Glastonbury Britain, and both a Gildas and John Chrysostom record this as being in 36 A.D. Romans 1:16 tells us that the gospel went first to the Judahites and then to the Greeks, meaning the small amount of Judahites left in Jerusalem and the entire country of them residing in Britain. The Antiquities of Glastonbury also confirm that Joseph was commissioned by the Apostle Philip to bring the faith to Britain in the reign of Tiberius.

There were Anchorites/Hermits here at that time that they joined up with, who lived an ascetic lifestyle similar to the Brahmins of the ancient Aryan Hindu culture. The Bishop of Rome that gets spoken of then was actually the Bishop of the British church at Rome. The first pope was British and this probably played a large part in Emperor Claudius edict to exterminate Britain in 43 A.D. Archbishop Ussher also tells us that the first nation to proclaim themselves Christian were the British in 156 A.D. -- a long time before the Roman empire adopted and distorted it.

Heraldry of the tribes of Israel as recorded in the Bible and still apparent today in

After the Romans were finally expelled for good around 400 A.D., the Angles and the Saxons invaded Britain pushing the Celtic Church west, concentrating it in Wales and Ireland where they held out until the Anglo Saxons had settled down and started building communities, before heading back into Albion with their genealogies and manuscripts, converting them all to the orthodox faith.

The country wasn’t finally united as one again like in Brutus’ day until King Alfred the Great succeeded in repelling the Viking hordes in 880 A.D. All this time Britain was Anglo-Orthodox and it wasn’t until 1066 and the invasion of William "The Bastard" Usurper that the faith was forcibly changed to that of apostate Rome. Since Roman Catholicism is a universalist creed and sought to gain primary rights as the first church, much of Britain’s early recorded Christian history was burnt or destroyed in The Bastard’s invasion and after.

However traces of our Israelite heritage can still be found; in the original dedication in the King James Bible it makes reference to England being Sion, and in the 1933 version it has maps at the back showing where the sons of Shem settled. There is also the reference to the covenant between YEHOVAH God and man claimed by the nation of Ireland in the Irish constitution. And, of course, there is our heraldry, which has its origin in symbolized prophecies for the twelve tribes of Israel as given by Jacob-Israel to his sons. The basic heraldry of the nations and families of Europe is identical to those of ancient Israel as outlined in the Bible.

It saddens me to hear British people disregarding and defaming the Bible. It is like seeing someone urinating on their fathers grave. There is a lot more to it than the apostate church would have us believe -- and the people it was all written and recorded for are the European people. Christianity is our heritage, not Judeo-Christianity, and our relatively comfortable place in the world today is not through our own actions but through YEHOVAH’s promise to our fathers and his covenant with us. If we obey his law, which is just the natural order codified, we will prosper. If we go against it, then we will suffer, as we see happening all around us now.

I am indebted to Missing Links Discovered In Assyrian Tablets by E. Raymond Capt (M.A., A.I.A., F.S.A Scot) and for his in-depth investigations into much of the above evidence.

-- Edited by John D. Keyser.


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