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                                                                  Beginning in the Flesh

                                                        Most people in the Churches of God (and other
                                                        worldly churches) do not seem to understand
                                                        the importance of believing exactly what YE-
                                                        HOVAH      says   about  His   son   Yeshua's

                                                        As incredible as it may sound, the doctrine of a
                                                        pre-existent savior was being promulgated even
                                                        before Yeshua the Messiah was born -- before
                                                        the days of the apostles. But, in fact, this doc-
                                                        trine was CONDEMNED by the apostles who
                                                        called those who taught it Antichrists!

                                                        Now everyone agrees that for any man to come
          Hope of Israel Ministries (Church of          into the world -- to be born -- that man has to
          YEHOVAH)                                      begin in the flesh. He has to be conceived in his
          The Berean Voice Magazine                     mother's womb and delivered 9 months later.
          P.O. Box 6772                                 This means that man has to be begotten, and then
          Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772, U.S.A.          he has to be born.

          Website (West Coast):                         Our savior Yeshua was begotten by his Father,
                     YEHOVAH, in the SAME way that every hu-
          Website (East Coast):                         man being in this world is begotten by his fa-
                     ther! He was conceived in his mother Mary's
                                                        womb, and started life in the womb!
                                                        It is VITAL for us to understand how important
          Editor and Director:                          it is to believe in the Savior sent by YEHOVAH
          John D. Keyser                                 -- the Savior who was BEGOTTEN by YEHO-
                                                        VAH, who was conceived in his mother's
          Contributing Writers:                         womb -- who was NOT pre-existent.
          Anthony Buzzard
          David Maas                                    Those who preach the doctrine of a pre-existent
                                                        Savior are proclaiming another savior -- NOT
          Technical Advisor:                            the one proclaimed through the Holy Scriptures!
          Sean Keyser                                   They are, according to the apostle John, Anti-
                                                        christs: "And every spirit that does not confess
                                                        that Yeshua Messiah STARTED IN THE
          Hope of Israel Ministries --                  FLESH is NOT of YEHOVAH. So this is the
          Preparing the Way for the                     spirit of the Antichrist which you have heard
                                                        was coming, and is now already in the world"
          Return of YEHOVAH God                         (I John 4:3).

          and His Messiah!                                                                           -- John D. Keyser

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