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                       This is the mystery of the words "And on the seventh day, He refrained (from work) and
                       'Vayinafash' -- He rested..."

                       The Creator stopped His work, on account of this -- 'Vayinafash' -- "and He rested" ac-
                       cording to its simple meaning, but actually a form of the word is 'nefesh' meaning soul:
                       for the secret contained within these words is that when the Holy One stopped the process
                       of creation, in so doing, "vayinafash" -- the nefesh, the life-force was brought down into
                       each level of creation and became fixed there within in a permanent fashion. Before the
                       Sabbath came, the world literally stood by like a body without a soul, and every aspect of
                       creation was devoid of the inner essence of life. The holy SABBATH day became the
                       soul of all creation, and through it, existence became whole (ibid.).

                       It is also mentioned, in the Encyclopedia Biblica, that "the Hebrew Sabbathon conveys the
               idea of propitiation or appeasement of divine anger and [it] is...the opinion [of Professor Jastrow]
               that the Hebrew Sabbath (i.e. CREATION SABBATH) was originally a Sabbathon -- i.e. a day of
               propitiation and appeasement; marked by atoning was celebrated at intervals of seven
               days, CORRESPONDING WITH CHANGES IN THE MOON'S PHASES, and was identical in
               character with the four days in each month, i.e. 7th, 14th, 21st, and 28th! (The MacMillan Com-
               pany, 1899. P. 4180).

                       The same encyclopedia adds (p. 4173) that

                       The word "Sabbath" is a feminine form/word. The ROOT (of Sabbath) has NOTHING to
                       do with resting in the sense of enjoying repose; in transitive forms and applications, it
                       means: "to sever"; "to put an end to"; intransitively, it means "to desist" -- "to come to an
                       end." In a transitive sense -- "the divider" -- indicates the Sabbath as dividing the month.
                       It certainly cannot be translated 'The Day of Rest.'"

                                                Adam and the Lunar Sabbath

                       When God "HALLOWED" the seventh day of the week (Exodus 20:11) He made it HOLY.
               It is, as the scriptures show, HOLY to God. Now the Sabbath is a day -- it is the particular seventh
               day  of the week God brought into being in Genesis 1 and 2 (Matthew 28:1). Therefore what God
               did was to make future TIME holy!

                       The Sabbath is a space of time that God set apart from the sixth day of the week at sunset to
               the seventh day of the week at sunset. Whenever that time comes to us -- and this is the topic of this
               article -- we are in holy time! It is God's time, not ours! God made it holy and the Ten Command-
               ments back this up; and He commanded us to keep it holy!

                       It is a fact that since the very inception of the world -- from the dawn of man's history --
               there has never been even one Sabbath which was not kept to some extent. This world has never
               been without these "righteous pillars," the Sabbath observers, and every generation has, to at least
               some degree, seen each Sabbath observed.

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