Page 5 - BV13
P. 5

In the Book of Joel the armies of Assyria, which were to overrun the land of Israel, were
                       symbolized as locusts. Here too, as in Revelation 9:1-12, it is recorded that "their appearance is
                       like the appearance of horses" (Joel 2:4). It is therefore plain that the locusts are CONQUERING
                       ARMIES, sweeping over the earth in dense ranks. Furthermore, in Daniel 10:13 and 20, we find
                       that the great empires of the earth each have a presiding angel over them. Therefore, we are war-
                       ranted in believing that the vision in Revelation 9:1-12 pictures the coming upon the world stage of
                       a mighty nation, which was to have a supernatural origin, rising up mysteriously out of some re-
                       mote region, and which was to pursue a career of conquest, pouring over the earth in dense armies
                       composed largely of horsemen. This nation was to have over them a spiritual leader whose name
                       signifies "a destroyer."

                              However, this conquering people was to be unlike the Assyrians -- the "locusts" of Joel's
                       vision -- in that it was to have spiritual power as well as, and more prominently than, physical
                       power. The repeated reference to "scorpions" in verses 3, 5 and 10 emphasizes this. Also, the
                       statement of verse 10 is illuminating: "They had tails like those of scorpions, with stings." This can
                       be interpreted by Isaiah 9:15 as indicating the deadly power of FALSE PROPHECY -- or some
                       special form of destructive falsehood. Notice --

                              The prophet who teaches lies, HE IS THE TAIL.

                                                         The Mystery of Islam

                              Briefly then, the various symbols found in Revelation 9:1-12 all point, in no uncertain man-
                       ner, to that marvel of history -- the empire founded by the FALSE PROPHET Muhammad. This
                       was an empire of vast dimensions, established and extended through an unprecedented combina-
                       tion of stupendous military forces and mighty spiritual energies -- in which  the latter was the se-
                       cret of its amazing potency.

                              Islam has fed on violence and deceit from its very inception. It has spread like a cancer and
                       has proven to be equally as deadly. Muhammad's expression of delight, "Allahu ahkbar!" (Allah is
                       greater!), became the battle-cry of Islam. The sound of "Allahu ahkbar!" rings out as suicide bomb-
                       ers detonate themselves in the midst of Israeli civilians. It resonates from the lips of Arabs as they
                       plunge knives into the backs of unsuspecting men, women and children. It reverberates not only
                       throughout the cities and towns of Israel, but also across the entire world -- including the United
                       States with the recent savage attacks on the World Trade Center towers in New York city and the
                       Pentagon in Washington, D.C. It sanctifies Islamic murder and mayhem and turns it into divine in-
                       junctions from Allah.

                              Islam is a mystery of the darkest character. It defies explanation along any rational or natu-
                       ral basis. Its origin is so utterly different to that of other empires that we are left with no alterna-
                       tive but to believe that it originated supernaturally. Its growth is just as difficult to explain on
                       natural grounds as its origin. IT IS, WITHOUT A DOUBT, A DESIGNED COUNTERPART OF
                       CHRISTIANITY. Its visible source was in a personal leader who claimed to be the  sole
                       representative and prophet of God (more accurately, Allah) -- and in A BOOK that is venerated
                       by its adherents as the word of God. It has, moreover, the supernatural power to inspire millions

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