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Islam and the Bible

                                                        Apart from Christianity, Islam is arguably the most
                                                        influential religion on the face of the earth. It is the
                                                        second largest religion in the world -- and the
                                                        powerful resurgence of Islamic fundamentalism
                                                        continues to spread the Muslim faith in more mod-
                                                        erate Islamic nations.

                                                        Not only that, but Islam has the power to change
                                                        the destinies of millions of people in the West it-
                                                        self. It has become the second largest religion in
                                                        Europe and the third largest in the U.S. Islam is
                                                        now Britain's third largest religion. There are more
          Hope of Israel Ministries (Church of          Muslims than Methodists in Chicago and more
          YEHOVAH)                                      than 500,000 in Los Angeles alone. This should
          The Berean Voice Magazine                     give every freedom-loving person in the "Christi-
          P.O. Box 6772                                 anized" West reason for alarm since the principal
          Thousand Oaks, CA 91359-6772, U.S.A.          goal of Islam is to bring Islamic law to every single

          Website (West Coast):
                     The ideological influence of Islam expands to other
          Website (East Coast):                         nations on a daily basis, and Islamic fundamental-
                     ism is increasingly aggressive. Religiously, socially,
                                                        politically, economically and militarily Islam will

          E-mail:                 continue to powerfully impact our world today.
                                                        Readers of this magazine should not think Islam is

          Editor and Director:  John D. Keyser          of little concern to Yehovah's Church. Apart from
                                                        North Korea and China, Islamic-dominated coun-
          Contributing Writers                          tries occupied every single spot on the top ten list
                                                        of countries where persecution of Yehovah's peo-
          Anwar Shaikh                                  ple is most severe.
          Ernest Martin
          Anthony Buzzard                               Would a false religion of such prominence and im-
          Cal Thomas                                    pact on Yehovah's people, and the world in gen-
                                                        eral, remain unmentioned in His word, the Bible?

          Technical Advisor  Sean Keyser                Up until about 170 years ago it was common
                                                        knowledge among Bible students that the scourge
          Hope of Israel Ministries --                  of Islam is indeed revealed in the Bible. In this is-
                                                        sue of The Berean Voice
                                                                                    we will cut through
          Preparing the Way for the                     "Christian" deception and unveil Islam for all to
          Return of YEHOVAH God                         see.
                                                                                                     -- John D. Keyser
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