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16 Hope of Israel BIBLE Correspondence Course Course Preview

5. In their ignorance, hatred and on in its day-to-day routine WITHOUT
cowardice, did the rulers of the world kill HEEDING WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN?
Yeshua the Messiah, the Prince of Peace? I 4. Will human efforts to re-educate the
Corinthians 2:8. world and plans forpeace prevent annihilation?
6. WHAT DECEIVES MAN into Isaiah 33:7-8. When ambassadors of peace
believing that actions which end in death will weep bitterly -- when cities are leveled -- will
bring peace? Jeremiah 17:9. (Remember that in YEHOVAH God intervene to save humanity?
Scripture, the HEART is spoken of proverbially Verse 10.
as the center or seat of human nature.) Then can 5. Throughout the Bible, WAR is
rulers be deceived by their OWN LUSTS into pictured as a PENALTY OF SIN -- imposed as
believing that their evil deeds are right and good the result of lust or covetousness (James 4:1-2).
for the world? Can ambassadors of the nations forgive sin? Can
7. Did PAUL FORESEE that men at the they therefore PERMANENTLY stop WAR,
close of this age would be traitors, trucebreakers, which is its penalty?
greedy, coveting the wealth and territories of one COMMENT: Worldwide peace cannot
another? II Timothy 3:1-5. come unless the PENALTY of sin is forgiven by
8. Does KNOWLEDGE tend to increase an equal payment. Obviously ONLY THE
pride? I Corinthians 8:1. Does undue MESSIAH CAN STOP ALL WAR because He
AUTHORITY lead to vanity? I Timothy 3:6. alone paid the full penalty -- DEATH. The
Since we live in an age of INCREASING Messiah DIED so that we need not all die in the
SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE, which makes it coming horrifying holocaust. YEHOVAH God
possible for a few men to amass stupendous will suspend the penalty upon the human family
industrial and scientific power, will human by soon intervening in human affairs. His
nature make MEN become better and better or first-born Son already voluntarily transferred the
WORSE AND WORSE? II Timothy 3:13. penalty to himself, in our stead.
9. Is it now possible, through the 6. After intervening, WILL YESHUA
inventions of science, for the greedy to covet, THE MESSIAH SET ABOUT TO RE-
seize and destroy more than ever before? EDUCATE THE WORLD AND REMOVE
THE BASIC CAUSE of war? Isaiah 2:3-4 and
WAKE UP! OR BLOW UP! Micah 4:1-4. Instead of being taught -- as in
today’s educational institutions -- how to create
1. Will there be SCOFFERS in the last instruments of annihilation to destroy fellow
days denying that civilization is threatened with humans, will the people then BE TAUGHT to
extermination by mad dictators? II Peter 3:3,4. exercise CONTROL and be given DISCIPLINE
2. Has human nature basically changed? OVER HUMAN NATURE -- to guide inventive
Matthew 24:37-39 and Luke 17:26. Though genius wholly into peaceful channels?
human nature has not basically altered since 7. Will NATIONS have to BE
Noah’s day, have the scientific means of REBUKED with authority? Isaiah 34:2. Will
destruction remained the same? Do the nations they be taught the right way to live -- the way to
create greater and GREATER POWERS for peace? Isaiah 30:21.
peace? -- or for MASS MURDER?
3. Are the people today REALLY Congratulations -- you are now ready to
CONCERNED about the mortal danger of start on Lesson 1!
suicidal war for world dominion? Matthew
24:39. Are people AWAKE enough to world
events even to expect it? Does the WORLD go

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