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10 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 9

C. in hopes that if he fasted, Satan would leave 30. Is fasting a “must” when YEHOVAH’s
him alone. counsel is especially needed?
D. To draw so close to the Father spiritually,
that by the Father’s power he could resist all of A. No! Prayer is always sufficient.
Satan’s temptations. B. Fasting should be reserved for humbling
yourself only after you have gone ahead and
27. Which one of these four statements is true? made some wretched mistake.
C. YEHOVAH’s ministers fast before
A. Satan’s attempt to overcome and destroy the ordaining other elders only to give an air of
Messiah obviously would never be repeated in special sanctity to the ceremony.
the case of any newly baptized Christian. D. Yes! Otherwise one might be unconsciously
B. YEHOVAH God did not specifically plan to rejecting YEHOVAH’s counsel -- from
allow Satan to try to tempt the Messiah. whatever source it may come -- because of a
C. Had the Messiah succumbed to Satan’s lack of humility.
temptations, he would have disqualified
himself from ever becoming our Savior and 31. How can you become stronger spiritually
High Priest. and have more of YEHOVAH’s faith?
D. The Messiah’s spiritual preparation to
withstand Satan’s temptations did not include A. Certainly not by fasting and praying.
fasting. B. By just fasting once a year on the Day of
28. Should we fast often? C. By occasionally abstaining -- fasting -- from
all physical food and drink while taking in
A. Yes, as often as we need to. spiritual nourishment.
B. YEHOVAH does not indicate we should fast D. By remaining in a lethargic attitude when
very often. you know you ought to fast and pray.
C. Of course not! We definitely should not
follow the example of Cornelius. 32. What kind of fasting will YEHOVAH God
D. It would be good to set ourselves on a rigid, accept?
regular schedule to fast twice a week as did
some of the Judeans in the Messiah’s time. A. Fasting to impress other men.
B. Fasting for vanity -- vainly supposing the
29. Which one of these four statements is false? mere fact of hunger is somehow pleasing to
A. When you first begin to fast you can expect C. Fasting done with no intention of really
your stomach to churn a little, especially at the turning from one’s own stubborn, lustful,
time it customarily receives food. quarreling, grasping ways.
B. During a fast your body will supply its D. Fasting for the purpose of bringing one’s
energy needs out of its reserve fuel supply. every thought into subjection to YEHOVAH
C. You may have a headache or a “thick” God.
feeling in your head the first day of a fast due
to poisons in the system being brought out of
storage and expelled.
D. You obviously will starve to death if you
don’t eat regularly.
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