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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 8

A. At the Messiah’s appearance a tremendous C. repent, believe that Yeshua the Messiah is
noise will rend the air. our Saviour, and begin to keep YEHOVAH’s
B. A secret rapture of the saints will occur commandments.
before the visible appearance of the Messiah. D. just join the church of our choice and shake
C. The resurrection of the dead in the Messiah the preacher’s hand.
will occur at Yeshua’s future appearance.
D. Armies will be gatherd together to resist the 14. The law of YEHOVAH God
authority of the Messiah when he appears.
A. is cruel, harsh and enslaving.
10. From where did YEHOVAH’s Shekinah B. is the supreme, eternal, SPIRITUAL law of
Glory return to heaven from? love.
C. was the Old Covenant; therefore it has been
A. Mount Zion. done away.
B. The Temple Mount. D. was “nailed to the cross” by the Messiah;
C. The town of Bethany. therefore we don’t have to keep it today.
D. The Mount of Olives.
15. In this modern age
11. What does Revelation 19:11-16 depict?
A. ministers everywhere are proclaiming
A. The return of YEHOVAH’s Shekinah Glory obedience to YEHOVAH’s Laws.
to this earth. B. YEHOVAH’s spiritual laws have nothing to
B. The rapture of the saints. do with our everyday life.
C. The future appearance of Yeshua the C. only your human conscience can be a true
Messiah. guide to joyful living.
D. The expulsion of Satan from heaven. D. the world is unhappy because of our
rejection and transgression of YEHOVAH’s
12. The Messiah commanded his apostles of spiritual laws.
16. Which ONE of these four statements is
A. to spread the doctrine that Jews are mostly TRUE?
Communists and/or controllers of the world’s
resources. A. The Ten Commandments are a part of the
B. to influence politics so that the churches RITUALISTIC law of Moses.
could dominate the nations. B. The Ten Commandments are the SAME as
C. to support the prohibition movement. the RITUALISTIC law of Moses.
D. to preach the Good News of the Kingdom of C. The Ten Commandments did not exist until
YEHOVAH God to all nations as a witness. YEHOVAH God gave them to Moses at Mount
Lesson 30 D. The Ten Commandments have been in full
Is Obedience to the 10 Commandments force and effect since Adam.
Required for Salvation?
17. Which ONE of these four statements is
13. To receive eternal life, we must FALSE?

A. just belive on the Lord Yeshua. A. Love summarizes the supreme spiritual law
B. follow the dictates of our conscience. of YEHOVAH God.
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