Page 11 - test8.vp
P. 11

Test 8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11

B. Evolution is a proof that the Bible is not D. The simple and complex forms are usually
scientific. jumbled throughout the strata.
C. You cannot be a true Christian and believe
in evolution. 42. YEHOVAH God ORIGINALLY created
D. Communism is unalterably opposed to the earth
A. perfect and beautiful.
38. Which of the following men proved that B. in chaos and confusion.
life can come only from life -- that it cannot C. a hot molten mass unfit for life.
spring spontaneously from dead matter? D. covered with clouds and thick darkness.

A. Aristotle, the Greek philosopher.
B. Redi, an Italian. NOTES:
C. Charles Darwin.
D. Karl Marx.

39. According to the Theory of Evolution,

A. our ancestors all sprang from one man,
B. the unintelligent savage is the result of
C. man was a gradual transition from some
lower animal similar to the anthropoid ape.
D. man sprang suddenly from monkeys.

40. The many varieties of life that cover the

A. arose from a process of evolution.
B. prove that simple kinds gradually become
new and different and more complex kinds.
C. disprove the Genesis account of creation.
D. always stay within the bounds of the Answers to Questions in Lesson 32:
original kinds which YEHOVAH God
produced at Creation. 1. It proves that there has been no past
eternity of matter. 2. developed from
41. Which ONE of these four statements is one single-celled protoplasmic mass. 3.
TRUE? No 4. 15 5. land, field, ground, country,
wilderness, earth. 6. life can only come
A. The simpler forms of life are always found from life. 7. Yes. 8. Yes. 9. “From
buried in the lower strata. above.” 10. the thick clouds and foggy
B. Complex forms of life never occur at the conditions. 11. Atheism. 12. Yes. 13.
very bottom of strata. No 14. Absolutely not! 15. Satan’s
C. Evolution is proved by the logical order in rebellion. 16. No
which fossils are found buried.
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