Page 11 - test7.vp
P. 11

Test 7 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 11

D. It is all right for a person to decide for C. because it would be injurious to the infant’s
himself whether or not he wants the hands of health.
YEHOVAH’s servants laid on him for the D. because baptism is not required of any
receiving of the holy spirit. people of any age.

31. Which ONE of these four statements is 34. The “no works” baptism continues to be
FALSE? taught by Satan’s ministers

A. Merely saying, “I accept the Messiah’s shed A. because “the carnal mind is enmity to God”
blood and his death” is all you need do to and hates YEHOVAH’s works.
receive the power of the holy spirit and eternal B. because the inherent inborn good nature in
salvation. people compels them to do the good works
B. Man desperately needs the powerful aid of YEHOVAH requires.
YEHOVAH’s holy spirit to obey His laws and C. because it is taught in the Bible.
thus grow in YEHOVAH’s holy character. D. because it will make this a better, more
C. YEHOVAH’s holy spirit is His free gift to Godly world.
us if we submit to His conditions of repentance,
belief, and water baptism. 35. What is the Bible EVIDENCE of one’s
D. Water baptism should not be delayed -- it having received the baptism of YEHOVAH’s
might be neglected until too late! spirit?

32. To be baptized “IN THE NAME OF THE A. No change in character.
FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT” means B. One’s self-righteousness
C. The showing of Godly “fruits” which the
A. to be baptized by their authority. holy spirit manifests in one’s life -- such as
B. to be baptized by their express permission. love, joy, peace
C. to be baptized “in the name of Yeshua the D. The throwing of one’s self into violent
Messiah.” contortions and the screaming of hideous
D. to be baptized or immersed “INTO” the jibberish.
divine family NAME called YEHOVAH God
-- the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God -- so that 36. Which ONE of these four statements is
one may properly be called a “son of TRUE?
of YEHOVAH’s spirit. A. The Bible teaches that one person can be
baptized for another person.
Lesson 28 B. Baptism for a dead person is vain and
Avoid a Counterfeit Baptism! ridiculous.
C. The flitting “spirits” of the unbaptized dead
33. Infant baptism is wrong are very joyful and thankful when they learn
the living are baptized on their behalf.
A. because it is a mockery of the teachings of D. The doctrine of baptism for a dead person
YEHOVAH’s Bible -- newly born infants does not come to us from paganism.
cannot repent or believe since they can’t even
begin to think for themselves yet. 37. Can we -- should we -- baptize ourselves?
B. because nowhere in the world is infant
baptism taught.
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