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Test 6 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7

A. divorced by the Messiah at his coming. from and INDEPENDENT of the materials
B. in the first resurrection. composing these plants and animals.
C. residing in Heaven with YEHOVAH God.
D. in the second resurrection. 37. Which ONE of these four statements is
Lesson 24
DEATH -- Where Is Your Sting? A. To give the first man life, YEHOVAH God
breathed air into his lungs.
33. The doctrine of the immortality of the soul B. The source of the physical life in both
arose from animals and man is the same -- oxygen in the
A. the teachings of pagan Greek philosophers C. When man’s breathing stops, life ceases and
who acquired it from Egypt and Babylon. the man dies.
B. the teachings of the Old Testament. D. In addition to breathing air into the first
C. the writings of the apostle Paul. man’s nostrils, YEHOVAH God placed within
D. the Protestant reformers who were the first him an “immortal soul.”
to teach such a doctrine.
38. Eternal life
34. YEHOVAH God formed man at creation
A. is the gift of YEHOVAH God, who has
A. out of spirit. eternal life inherent in Himself.
B. out of the dust of the ground. B. is inherent in all men from birth.
C. as an immortal spiritual soul encased in a C. is always given to people immediately upon
material body. their “confessing Christ.”
D. out of incorruptible and immortal flesh. D. is a fable held by those who are “religious.”

35. Man is 39. The pagan Greek philosophers

A. not subject to death. A. believed life always ended in death.
B. an immortal soul that continues to live on B. did not have any influence on the Catholic
after death. Church.
C. a living soul subject to death just like the C. quoted from the Bible as their authority.
beasts of the field. D. used human reason to prove that man must
D. not like an animal in the sense that he does have an immortal soul.
not die as do animals.
40. Physical science
36. Which ONE of these four statements is
FALSE? A. can prove the existence of immortal souls.
B. can disprove the existence of immortal
A. Life can come only from previously existing souls.
life. C. has no tools whereby it can determine or
B. All living matter is composed of protoplasm. deny the existence of spiritual things.
C. The life of all living matter on this earth is D. can reveal all the laws concerning the
temporary. spiritual world.
D. The life of plants and animals is distinct
41. Science has proved
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