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Test 4 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 13

C. the fact that YEHOVAH’s Law has been
done away with. Notes:
D. the announcement of the Messiah’s birth.

41. The great, earthshaking, awesome event of
the End Times is --

A. YEHOVAH’s Shekinah Glory returning to
Jerusalem to reside once again in the Temple.
B. the giving of YEHOVAH’s spirit to all
C. the resurrection of King David.
D. the introduction of YEHOVAH’s true

42. The ten days between Tishri 1 and the Day
of Atonement are known as --

A. the time of Yeshua’s vengeance against the
B. the days of awe or repentance.
C. the time when the resurrected David will be
proclaimed king over all Israel.
D. the time YEHOVAH God prepared Moses
and the Israelites for the giving of the

Recommended Reading...

Should Christians Observe the New

Answers to Questions in Lesson 16

1. Completion and perfection 2. Ram’s
horn 3. The Final Judgment 4. Yes 5.
The chemical existence of physical,
human flesh 6. The priests; sons of
Aaron 7. The Second Coming of
Father 9. The Gospel of the Kingdom of
YEHOVAH God 10. Tammuz 11.
Yeshua the Messiah 12. The
enthronement of YEHOVAH God 13.
Shekinah Glory 14. Yes 15. New Moon
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