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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 4

A. were able to obey YEHOVAH God. 36. The first of the seven New Moon trumpet
B. did not learn the popular teachings of blowings occurred on --
C. were able to teach their captors A. Abib 15.
YEHOVAH’s way of life. B. Tammuz 1.
D. absorbed pagan beliefs and practices. C. Sivan 1.
D. Nisan 1.
Lesson 16
The Feast of Trumpets -- Return and 37. To receive YEHOVAH God’s holy spirit
Enthronement of YEHOVAH God and His you must --
A. follow in the footsteps of the Pharisees and
33. The massive blowing of the shofar on the Sadducees.
first day of Tishri was understood by the B. be born again and give your heart to the
Judeans as -- Lord.
C. follow the dictates of the Roman Catholic
A. the beginning of their trial before the Church.
heavenly court. D. repent and be baptized.
B. the beginning of the Feast of Tabernacles.
C. the normal celebration for a New Moon day. 38. The resurrection of YEHOVAH’s elect will
D. a warning that the Romans were --
approaching Jerusalem.
A. occur at the very moment that they die.
34. The blowing of the seven trumpets in the B. occur at the end of the Millennium.
book of Revelation corresponds to -- C. occur at the second appearance of Yeshua
the Messiah.
A. the seven days of Unleavened Bread. D. occur on the Day of Pentecost.
B. the blowing of trumpets at the seven New
Moon festivals in the Old Testament. 39. The central theme of the Feast of Trumpets
C. the trumpet blasts when YEHOVAH God is clearly --
descended onto Mount Sinai.
D. the seven days of the Feast of Tabernacles. A. that of continual warfare for the people of
35. The blowing of trumpets on the six New B. that of the enthronement of YEHOVAH
Moon days leading up to Tishri served to -- God when He returns to this earth to reside in
the Temple once again.
A. keep the Israelites ready to carry out C. depicted by the lighting of candles in St.
aggression against their neighbors. Peter’s at Rome.
B. remind the Israelites of the Day of D. revealed in the gnostic works of Judas.
C. warn the people to prepare themselves for 40. The term “good news” refers to --
the final judgment that would begin on Tishri
1. A. the “Gospel of the Kingdom of YEHOVAH
D. remind the Israelites of the seven days of God.”
creation. B. the weekly reports issued by the pope in the
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