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Test 2 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 3

A Few Words Before You Start... going to let the CARES of this world, or
disinterest, choke out this golden opportunity
With your OWN eyes, you have you now have? (Verse 19.) Budget your time
PROVED to yourself, in these lessons, that the and energy -- MAKE ROOM FOR YOUR
Bible is NOT the great book of MISinformation BIBLE STUDY EVERY DAY!
which the ministers of the world have, by their Perhaps you haven’t realized it, but you
speech and actions, led many of you to believe it have ALREADY put your “hand to the plow” to
was. You are now beginning to realize that this ATTAIN THE KNOWLEDGE of how you may
book -- the Bible -- has a DEFINITE MESSAGE enter the Kingdom of YEHOVAH God!
to tell you. It clearly explains that message in all YEHOVAH warns, “No man, having put his
its detail! You have seen that YEHOVAH God, hand to the plow, AND LOOKING BACK, is fit
Himself, explains these details to you by for the Kingdom of God" (Luke 9:62). You
inspiring His own true ministers to FIT ALL CAN MISS OUT ON EVERYTHING! The
THE PARTS TOGETHER so that you may choice is yours -- so, CHOOSE TO CONTINUE
check them by His Word. THE MINISTERS OF YOUR STUDY of the Hope of Israel Ministries
Indeed you have set out upon the Be sure to complete and RETURN your
HIGHWAY of LIBERTY! THIS WAY is going answer sheet as soon as possible so you can
to bring to you all THE good things you have begin receiving your next four lessons. I know
EVER desired -- and MORE! YEHOVAH you won’t want to miss a single exciting lesson!
planned it to be so. Thousands of others, like
yourself, are now CANDIDATES for the
glorious Family of YEHOVAH God. They come TEST NUMBER TWO
from all walks of life.
For those who are married both the THIS SECOND examination is given to
husband and wife should SHARE in this Bible help you BETTER UNDERSTAND your Bible.
study if it is at all possible. It will strengthen both You are now reading the instructions for
of them much more. Then both can teach their answering the questions.
new knowledge TO THEIR CHILDREN. The Note that there are 42 questions and that
study of His Word is a JOY when you are they are numbered consecutively 1, 2, 3 etc.
GUIDED into the TRUE understanding of the Note also that there are FOUR possible answers
Holy Bible! This is the TRUTH! YEHOVAH given under each question. These are labeled A,
God makes it PLAIN in the Bible! B, C, D. YOU ARE TO SELECT THE RIGHT
Finding the place where one can be ANSWERS FROM AMONG THESE FOUR
taught YEHOVAH’s true knowledge is like POSSIBLE ANSWERS.
finding a GOLD MINE! People are DIGGING at Repeat this process for each of the
the mine of YEHOVAH’s Word. They will BE questions asked. This comprises your test.
PREPARED! WILL YOU? Of course, YOU (Generally speaking, the INCORRECT answers
MUST STUDY! It isn’t difficult, not if you are are FALSE ideas which are taught and believed
REALLY interested. The majority of about the subject.)
Correspondence Course students score HIGH As you select the right answer(s) to each
GRADES? IT’S THAT EASY! question, make a pencil mark in the MARGIN
YEHOVAH God -- “the Sower” -- has beside the correct answer(s) to each question.
sown His “Word,” a beginning knowledge of the Answer as many questions as you can without
Bible, in YOUR mind (Mark 4:14). Are you referring to the previous four lessons you have
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8