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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Test 1

A. racial Babylonians. Notes:
B. racial Persians.
C. racial Hebrews.
D. racial Australians.

41. The intent of the Latin word “gentilis” and
the Greek word “ethnos” is --

A. quite different.
B. to denote one particular people.
C. to denote Israelites only.
D. the same.

42. The Hebrew word “goy/goyim” appears --

A. 12 times
B. 7 times
C. 3 times
D. 10 times in the 3rd. Chapter of Joel in the
Old Testament.

Additional Reading --

The Plain Truth About Christmas

The Shocking Pagan Origin of

Where Did Easter Come From?

A New Look at Easter

Hallowe’en -- Trick? or Treat?

Let’s Pull the Mask from Hallowe’en

Ellen G. White -- Messenger or

Answers to Questions in Lesson 4

1. Yes 2. Yes 3. No 4. ethnos 5. Yes
6. No 7. Yes 8. No 9. Christians 10.
557 11. nation(s) 12. four 13. gentilis
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