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Lesson 6 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 5

5. In I Peter 1:1, we see that Peter was the Messiah?
writing to “the strangers___________________ 11. In verse 10, Yeshua said he came
throughout Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Asia “that they might have_________.”
and Bithynia.” Could these be part of the 12. In verse 11, what good thing does
“scattered and “lost” sheep (ISRAEL) spoken of Yeshua identify HIMSELF with, “who giveth
in Jeremiah and Ezekiel? his life for the sheep.”
6. What is Yeshua called in Hebrews 13. As “the good shepherd,” WHAT
13:20? Could this be the SAME shepherd does the Messiah know, “and am known of
spoken of in Ezekiel 34:23 and I Peter 2:25? mine”? Verse 14.
7. In John 21:16-17 what, TWICE in a 14. According to the Messiah, what do
row, does Yeshua tell Simon Peter to do? Could the sheep that he knows DO that hear his voice?
this be what Peter was doing when he wrote to Verse 27.
the “scattered strangers” in I Peter? COMMENT: The following quote from
COMMENT: By examining these New Researches in Greece and the Levant really
Testament verses and COMPARING them to the highlights what we have just learned: “Having
Old Testament passages, we see a possible had my attention directed last night to the words
CONNECTION between the PEOPLE called in John X.3, I asked my man if it were usual in
sheep (ISRAEL) in the Old Testament and the Greece to give names to the sheep. He informed
PEOPLE called sheep in the New Testament! me that it was, and that the sheep obeyed the
The SIMILARITIES are summarized in the box shepherd when he called them by their names.
below: This morning I had an opportunity of verifying
the truth of this remark. Passing by a flock of
sheep, I asked the shepherd the same question
Similarities Between the Sheep of the Old
which I had put to the servant, and he gave me
and New Testaments:
the same answer. I then bade him call one of his
sheep. He did so, and it instantly left its
1. BOTH had “gone astray.” (followed
pasturage and its companions, and ran up to the
wrong masters).
hands of the shepherd, with signs of pleasure,
and with prompt obedience which I had never
2. BOTH were “scattered” and “lost.”
before observed in any other animal.
“It is also true that in this country, ‘a
3. BOTH were to be “fed” by shepherds
stranger will they not follow, but will flee from
him.’ The shepherd told me that many of his
sheep were still wild, that they had not learned
Let’s continue our study by looking at
their names, but that by teaching them they
additional New Testament verses that may give
would all learn them.” (Quoted by J.G. Wood in
us MORE evidence of a CONNECTION
Bible Animals, 1877 edition, page 197).
between these two.
Considering the preceding verses in
8. Read John 10. In verses 1-5 WHAT
chapter 10 of John, we see a VERY CLOSE
does Yeshua say follow him (the shepherd) in
similarity to Isaiah 53, Jeremiah 23 and
this parable? Compare with Isaiah 53;
Ezekiel 34. It appears that the sheep mentioned
Jeremiah 23; Ezekiel 34.
in these Old Testament books may be the SAME
9. In verse 7, WHO does Yeshua say is
SHEEP Yeshua talks about in John 10 --
the “door of the sheep”?
ISRAELITES! Additional evidence of this
10. According to verse 9, WHO is
CONNECTION can be found in the meaning
“saved” and finds “pasture” if they enter in by
and use of the word lost.
The Lost Sheep
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