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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 44

after his DEATH. So, note that a DEATH IS (Palestine) for an EVERLASTING possession
INVOLVED in a WILL, but NOT in a COVE- (Genesis 17:8-9). What was the name of one of
NANT. The Messiah left, at his death, a will -- a Abraham’s sons? Genesis 21:2-4.
TESTAMENT -- in which all people may be- 2. Was one of Isaac’s sons named
come beneficiaries or heirs of his possessions. JACOB? Genesis 27:22. Was his name changed
For it was to the ONE seed -- THE MESSIAH -- to ISRAEL? Genesis 32:28. Did Israel have
to whom this earth was given as an inheritance many sons? I Chronicles 2:1, 2. Were these
(Genesis 22:18; Galatians 3:16-19). therefore the CHILDREN OF ISRAEL? Same
The Messiah was the only one who ever verses.
obeyed YEHOVAH’s Law perfectly and could COMMENT: Israel (Jacob) and his
claim the earth as an inheritance. So it was he twelve sons and their families journeyed down
who could, and did, leave a TESTAMENT or into Egypt. THERE YEHOVAH God multiplied
WILL at his death so that we may also receive, them and made of them a GREAT NATION, just
through him, eternal inheritance of the earth as He had promised (Genesis 46:1-3; 47:27).
(Hebrews 9:15-16). They became the “nation of Israel.”
The Egyptians, among whom the origi-
YEHOVAH’s Covenant with Ancient Israel nal family of Israel had sought refuge from fam-
ine, gradually became their captors and the
1. YEHOVAH God promised to make of Israelites became their slaves for several hun-
Abraham’s offspring a great nation (Genesis dred years. By many miracles of YEHOVAH
12:1, 2). YEHOVAH also covenanted with God they were finally set free, and YEHOVAH
Abraham that if he and his offspring would be made them a pathway through the Red Sea so
obedient, they would have the land of Canaan that they could escape the Egyptians who sud-
denly pursued them (Exodus
Behind this man is the “Plain of the Law,” and the rugged peak of
Mount Sinai in the distant background.It was before this mountain 3. Did YEHOVAH, after
that the Israelites gathered to receive YEHOVAH’s Ten Command- leading the Israelites out of
ments. Egypt (the land typical of sin
and evil) and starting them to-
ward the “Promised Land” of
Palestine, bring them to Mount
Sinai? Exodus 19:1, 3, 11. Did
YEHOVAH there offer to make
a COVENANT with them?
Verses 3-6.
people of Israel what their part
of this AGREEMENT must be?
Exodus 19:5. Did He say that
they would have to be OBE-
DIENT? Same verse. And if
they would thus keep their part
of this COVENANT, what did
He promise them they would
become? Last part of verse 5

The Meaning of Marriage -- Part One
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