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Lesson 44 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 7

of love. It is GOOD. The law stands fast ments you wish to make as you go along, will
FOREVER! It is the PEOPLE who have been help you in REVIEWING and remembering
WEAK, and therefore unable to keep YEHO- later on.
VAH’s Ten Commandments! This lesson, like all others, is extremely
We are now about ready for the actual important to you. Have you PRAYED to
lesson. YEHOVAH God for understanding? If not, go
But first read the following instructions. now to a private place, kneel down, and ask Him
for spiritual UNDERSTANDING and wisdom.
Before You Begin Ask YEHOVAH to HELP YOU GRASP and
APPLY the knowledge this lesson will reveal to
This lesson is intended to direct you to you in the Bible!
the BIBLE -- to help you learn the truth of And now for the lesson itself.
YEHOVAH’s Word. Here is the method of
study. Lesson 44
Is your Bible in front of you? If not, get Difference Between a Covenant and a
your Bible -- or Bibles, if you have more than Testament
one translation -- BEFORE YOU CONTINUE
WITH THIS LESSON! Have a good dictionary, 1. What is a covenant? Consult your dic-
a concordance if you own one, and your notepa- tionary, noticing in particular whether there are
per all placed in front of you on a desk or table. two (or more) parties involved, and if each
Remember -- you are to open your Bible agrees to do (or refrain from) something. Is it an
to EVERY passage. Never say to yourself, “Oh, AGREEMENT? Death of one of the parties is
I think I know what the lesson is referring to" -- not mentioned as a requirement of a
and then pass over the scripture. You need to COVENANT, is it?
“KEEP YOUR NOSE IN THE BIBLE,” so to COMMENT: A covenant is an
speak. You must read and reread and think out AGREEMENT. Death of one or the other parties
each passage. MEDITATE on the new knowl- does NOT enter into the terms of a covenant.
edge you will learn during your leisure time, es- 2. Did YEHOVAH God make a
pecially within the following twenty-four hours, COVENANT with Abraham? Genesis 12:1-3,
and in your time of prayer -- so you WON’T 7.
FORGET IT! Make YEHOVAH’s Word a COMMENT: In verse one we see that
PART OF YOU! Don’t forget that this is a YEHOVAH God did make an agreement with
BIBLE study course -- not just a study of the les- Abraham. “Get thee out of thy country” was the
sons we send you. requirement Abraham had to fulfill as his part of
Here is how to make effective notes: the covenant. IF Abraham would obey, then
Write down neatly on your paper the title of the YEHOVAH, in turn, bound Himself to make of
lesson and underscore it. Next write down the Abraham’s seed -- Abraham’s descendants -- a
lesson number. Then as you come to each ques- great nation (Genesis 12:2). No DEATH had to
tion section, write down its heading. Then, un- take place to make this COVENANT binding. It
derneath, number each question as you come to was a COVENANT -- an agreement -- pure and
it. For each question write down the answer from simple: “You do this and I will do that."
your Bible, together with any pertinent ideas that 3. Now what is a TESTAMENT? Again
come to your mind. consult your dictionary.
Be SURE to WRITE OUT the scripture COMMENT: We find that a TEST-
which answers each question. Writing down ev- AMENT IS A WILL -- it declares a person’s
ery word of each Bible passage, and any com- WILL as to the disposal of his POSSESSIONS

The Meaning of Marriage -- Part One
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