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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 42

“The patriarchs of the sagas in GENESIS times)...REU also corresponds to later names of
are LEGENDARY heroes artificially connected towns in the Middle-Euphrates valley. PELEG,
with Israel." And again: “Through Moses, Jeho- for example, recalled later Paliga on the Eu-
vah (Hebrew: YEHOVAH) became the god of phrates just above the mouth of the Habur."
Israel...Jehovah was originally the god of a (From Unger’s “Archeology and the Old Testa-
sacred mountain (Sinai or Horeb)." (From Lan- ment".)
ger’s Encyclopedia of World History.) Let the scoffers laugh at these records.
So let us examine more proof: Is YE- Let them call the Bible a book of legends. Their
HOVAH God a mere superstition and the Bible a time of RECKONING IS around the corner and
legend? -- or is YEHOVAH God the Creator and fast approaching! The Bible does not lie.
the Scriptural record historically true? One or the
other of these ideas is TOTALLY UNTRUE! Proof Joseph Really Was Pharaoh’s
Which is it? Right-hand Man!
1. First look in your BIBLE and see that
for hundreds of years it has revealed that these For decades doubters have laughed at the
people really existed. Read Genesis 11:25 back “romance” of Joseph. What PROOF IS there that
through verse 18. Joseph was raised to be second in command in
COMMENT: The PROOF has shocked Egypt? Certainly if there were seven long years
thousands! Here are the facts: of terrible famine and Joseph was the only one
During the years 1934 to 1939, excava- who forewarned them of it -- there ought to be a
tions were methodically conduct-
ed at ancient Mari on the south-
western bank of the Euphrates
River near ancient Mesopotamia
(present-day Iraq). WHAT DO
Recently unearthed re-
cords of 3,000 years ago speak of
the “city of Nahor” (named after
the Old Testament patriarch Na-
hor) mentioned in Genesis 24:10.
It was located near the city of Harran in modern-dayTurkey -- named after Abraham’s relative.
Haran which still exists to this
very day! Who said those men are legendary? record somewhere!
Beside the definite location of the patri- 1. Doesn’t your Bible clearly say Pha-
archal cities of HARAN and NAHOR in north- raoh placed Joseph over all Egypt? Genesis
western Mesopotamia, hardly less clear indi- 41:41.
cations of Hebrew residence in this region ap- COMMENT: Is there such a HISTOR-
pears in the names of Abraham’s forefathers, ICAL record? -- or is the Bible a myth, a product
which correspond to the names of towns near of Jewish folklore?
Haran: SERUG (Assyrian SARUGI), TERAH THE ANSWER is found in the reign of
(TIL TURAKHI, ‘Mound of Terah,’ in Assyrian Amenemhet III of Egypt’s so-called Twelfth

Archaeology and the Bible
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