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Lesson 38 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9

these long years. Noah proved he had faith in before attempting to force the three lads to bow
YEHOVAH God by ACTING on it -- by his down before the golden image -- muttering dire
unceasing obedience to YEHOVAH God. Noah threats of excruciating death in a burning, fiery
had SAVING faith! This is the SAME kind of furnace if they refused to obey.
LIVING FAITH YEHOVAH wants us to have What would you have done had you been
today -- if we desire to be born into His Family as in their place? Would you have said, “Well, I
ruling Sons of YEHOVAH God! HAVE to bow down to this image -- I have to do
it or be killed!" And perhaps you would have
Faith to OBEY! excused yourself by reasoning thus: “I don’t
think YEHOVAH would be fair if He punished
One of the most thrilling examples of me for this, when He knows I am FORCED to do
living faith is recorded in the book of Daniel. it. Anyway, He tells us to be subject to the power
Set over the affairs of the province of of the state!"
Babylon were Daniel’s three young friends, Yes, it’s easy to use human reasoning to
Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. The excuse disobedience to YEHOVAH God. But
FOCAL STORY of their lives has been hack- YEHOVAH isn’t looking for chances to punish
neyed and rerun so many times, most people us -- but rather for opportunities to SAVE us
probably feel they already understand what THROUGH FAITH in His power!
happened. But there is MUCH MORE to it than These three young men knew that we
the “stories” about them tell! should OBEY YEHOVAH GOD, rather than
Notice it now in the third chapter of men (Acts 5:29). They knew through FAITH
1. Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, 3. Were they hesitant or over- cautious in
had erected a great golden image. Did he com- answering the king’s threats? Daniel 3:16. Were
mand all the people to worship this idol at certain they CONFIDENT that YEHOVAH was able to
times? Daniel 3:4-5. What was to happen to deliver them even from the fiery furnace? Verse
those who DISOBEYED the king’s command? 17.
Verse 6. COMMENT: These courageous young
COMMENT: One of the command- men had the answer on the tip of their tongues.
ments of YEHOVAH’s eternal, spiritual law They KNEW what they believed and there was
FORBIDS such worship of images (Exodus NO QUESTION ABOUT IT! They were
20:4-5). absolutely adamant in their display of faith.
2. Was the king informed that Shadrach, They firmly BELIEVED YEHOVAH God was
Meshach and Abednego refused to worship his able to DELIVER them from the trial!
golden idol? Verses 8, 12. What did Nebuchad- 4. Did they still have faith in YEHOVAH
nezzar then do? Verses 13-15. God even though they voiced the idea YEHO-
COMMENT: King Nebuchadnezzar VAH MIGHT NOT choose to deliver them?
was without doubt the most powerful and Verse 18.
IMPRESSIVE Gentile king who ever lived. His COMMENT: These men refused to
very presence was no doubt much more break YEHOVAH’s commandment against
FEARsome and AWEsome than that of any man idolatry. Even if obeying YEHOVAH’s law
alive today! His very word or nod meant life or meant death, they chose to die rather than
death! This was the man before whom these disobey! Their ETERNAL salvation meant more
three men came. to them than their TEMPORARY physical lives!
And as the heathen custom still is today, 5. Then what did the king have done to
he had planned a fanfare of cacophonic music these men? Verses 19-20.

What It Means To “Live By Faith”
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