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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 34

Read also the previous two verses. employed, realize of course, that the color of the
14. What were those in the “great horse contradicts their interpretation. Hence
multitude” clothed in? Revelation 7:9 What fur- they must needs resort to some expedient to meet
ther comments did the elder have regarding the the difficulty; and the expedient they have
“great multitude”? Revelation 7:14. chosen is surely a curious one. They say (though
COMMENT: The great multitude with no proof at all to support it) that antichrist
“washed their robes and made them WHITE in appears on a white horse in imitation of Christ”
the blood of the Lamb.” What does the blood of (ibid., pp. 193-194).
the Lamb (the Messiah) do? Revelation 1:5. It is therefore very obvious that the white
The blood of the Messiah WASHES AWAY horse of Revelation 6:2 CANNOT refer to false
OUR SINS! Therefore, the color WHITE re- religion or to civil strife! Equating this horse
presents sinlessness or purity. with false religion or civil strife is at odds with
15. Finally, what does YEHOVAH God ALL interpretations of the word “white” in the
sit on in the third heaven? Revelation 20:11. Bible!
“great WHITE throne.” Obviously, YEHOVAH The Wreath of a Warrior
God is the epitome of righteousness and purity,
so how could His “great white throne” represent According to the apostle John the rider of
anything but holiness, purity and righteousness? this white horse in Revelation 6:2 was given a
This is made very clear in the Dictionary CROWN -- “and a crown was given to him...”.
of the Bible by James Hastings: In the original Greek the word for crown
“In the NT white is used of natural in this verse is STEPHA.NOS.
objects and of linen, but chiefly as the SYMBOL 1. This stepha.nos or crown is mentioned
OF PURITY OR INNOCENCE AND HOLI- in II Timothy 4:8. What is this crown called in
NESS, as if the Transfiguration, or of ANGELS this verse?
John 20:12, etc., the SAINTS Rev. 6:11, or THE 2. This particular crown is also men-
THRONE OF GOD Rev. 20:11, or of victory tioned in Revelation 2:10. What is the crown
Rev. 6:2, 19:11, 14.” called in this verse?
Notes Philip Mauro in Things Which COMMENT: This type of crown
Soon Must Come to Pass -- [stepha.nos] is employed figuratively by Paul
“The color of the horse, WHITE, bears and John as a SYMBOL OF CHRISTIAN TRI-
strong testimony to the same effect; for, as we UMPH.
have already pointed out, this color is in every 3. In I Corinthians 9:25, what is Paul
instance throughout the Book [the Bible] (unless comparing?
this be an exception) USED TO DESIGNATE 4. What is Paul discussing in II Timothy
not the slightest imaginable reason for assuming COMMENT: In the New Testament the
that we have an exception here, and an exception victor’s crown at the games (stepha.nos) is used
SO GREAT as (according to the futurist view) to SYMBOLICALLY of the REWARD OF A
reverse the meaning of the symbol” (G.A.M. FAITHFUL CHRISTIAN COURSE, the incor-
Publications, Sterling, VA. 1990, p. 193). ruptible stepha.nos being contrasted with the
Mauro goes on to conclude: corruptible.
“Those who make the white horse rider a 5. What is the hope or joy of the Christian
symbol of the antichrist [or of false religion] of in I Thessalonians 2:19? Is this hope a “crown
the last days, thereby reversing the meaning of [stepha.nos] of rejoicing? Same verse.
the symbol which the Holy Spirit has here COMMENT: This hope or crown of re-

The White Horse of Revelation 6:2
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