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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 27

that destroyed the sinful land, and was saved them from death typifies the blood of the
physically. Today, we can be saved SPIRITU- Messiah -- OUR “Passover lamb” (I Corinth-
ALLY from the penalty of sin -- if we believe the ians 5:7) -- whose blood was shed for the
Messiah died for our sins and if we symbolically remission of our sins.
BURY OUR sins in baptism, rising up out of the 1. Were the Israelites happy and joyful
water to begin living a upon leaving Egypt
new SPIRIT-FILLED behind them? Num-
life of obedience to bers 33:3.
more about this later. “With a high hand”
Israel “Baptized” in The children of Israel
the Sea left in GREAT EXAL-
TATION and elation
Let’s notice an- over their deliverance
other interesting Old from the bondage (sin)
Testament analogy of Egypt.
pointing to New Testa- 2. While the
ment baptism. While Israelites were rejoic-
the children of Israel ing over their new-
were in Egypt, they found freedom, did
were Pharaoh’s slaves Pharaoh and his army
SAVED FROM DEATH. Only those in the ark were
-- HELPLESS AND begin to pursue them?
saved from YEHOVAH’s punishment for sin -- the
POWERLESS under Exodus 14:8-9.
rest of the people perished in the Flood. A
his taskmasters -- just COMMENT:
painting by Adam Colonia (1634-1685).
as a sinner is the slave Today, millions of pro-
of the devil and sin fessing Christians un-
(Romans 6:16). wittingly find them-
Egypt is a type selves in the same
of SIN. Pharaoh and his position the Israelites
army can be compared were in. Since they
to Satan and his de- have accepted the Mes-
mons who strive to siah and his blood for
bring us into captivity the remission of their
to sin. YEHOVAH sins, they THINK they
God commanded Israel are now FOREVER
to COME OUT of free from sin, the devil
Egypt -- sin. Israel o- ISRAEL DELIVERED. The Israelites walked and their own human
beyed. across the dry seabed, while on either side the nature, just as the
The Israelites waters of the Red Sea towered hundreds of feet Israelites thought they
began their exodus out above their heads! were free from the
of Egypt under Moses bondage of Egypt --
after they applied the blood of the Passover lamb until Pharaoh began to pursue them!
to their doorposts (see Exodus 12:1-13). Their 3. Did YEHOVAH God commission
departure from Egypt is a type of our departure Moses to deliver the children of Israel from the
from sin! The blood of the lamb which protected clutches of Egyptian bondage? Exodus 3:10 and

The Meaning of Baptism
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