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Lesson 25 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course 9

fruit” -- GOOD WORKS? Matthew 7:15-19. consumes the wicked, will only the righteous be
What did he say would happen to such people? left?
Verse 19. Isn’t wood put into a fire to be 5. Will the righteous ultimately walk on
BURNED UP? Did the Messiah say ALL people the wicked? Malachi 4:3. In what FORM will
who do not bring forth good fruit will be CAST the wicked be? Same verse. Who will burn the
INTO FIRE? Matthew 7:17-19, 23. wicked up?
4. What did the Messiah warn would 6. What did the Messiah warn the false
happen to those who do not repent of their sinful preachers of his day -- the Scribes and Pharisees
ways? Luke 13:3. Does “perish” mean to -- would be their fate? Matthew 23:33.
CEASE existing, or CONTINUE living? Look COMMENT: The original Greek word
up the meaning in a dictionary. translated here as “hell,” is “gehenna” --
meaning the Valley of Hinnom. The Messiah
“Hell Fire” Will DESTROY -- Not Just was referring to the fire that burned in the Valley
Torment! of Hinnom as a type of complete destruction of
the wicked by fire. The Messiah was thus asking
YEHOVAH God has NOT decreed these sinning ministers how THEY could
eternal LIFE in torment for the incorrigible possibly escape a COMPLETE DESTRUC-
sinner! The punishment revealed in the Bible is TION BY FIRE such as they saw daily at the city
eternal DEATH -- cessation of life forever. dump, located in the VALLEY OF HINNOM
Eternal LIFE IS something we do not now have just outside of Jerusalem.
-- it is a GIFT of YEHOVAH God given at the 7. Isn’t the Bible “hell fire” -- gehenna
resurrection to those that OBEY Him. Eternal fire which CONSUMES COMPLETELY those
life and eternal death are contrasted all through who are put into it -- a lot HOTTER than Dante’s
your Bible! “hell fire” which he believed to be only hot
Now notice what YEHOVAH says He enough to TORMENT?
WILL do with the sinners -- the incorrigibly COMMENT: Yes! -- THOUSANDS
wicked on whom He has decreed, “The wages of OF DEGREES HOTTER! The Bible “hell fire”
1. Did the Messiah show by his parable BEDIENT! NEVER will they exist again. This
of the tares that there was to be a future harvest? is a fearful warning to those who know
Matthew 13:30. YEHOVAH God’s truth and still REFUSE to
COMMENT: In this parable the obey it! “For the wages of sin is DEATH; but the
Messiah likened the earth to a “field” (verse 24), GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ
the obedient people to “wheat” (verses 25, 29), our Lord" (Romans 6:23). If you believe this
and the disobedient to “tares” (verses 25, 29, scripture means what it says, then you know the
30). TRUTH. But, unfortunately, most theologians
2. Did the Messiah say the EVIL AND THEIR BLIND FOLLOWERS try to
PEOPLE -- the “tares” -- will be BURNED? TWIST and DISTORT what Paul said into
Matthew 13:30. something else -- to eternal life in torment.
3. Does Psalm 37:20 also indicate the Could anything be clearer than this
ultimate fate of the wicked will be destruction by scripture? The wages, or reward, of sin is shown
FIRE? to be DEATH, but ETERNAL LIFE IS stated to
4. Is there coming a time that will be be a GIFT from YEHOVAH God -- NOT
extremely hot? Malachi 4:1. Will this time be so SOMETHING WE ALREADY HAVE.
hot that it will BURN -- CONSUME -- THE DEATH means just that -- cessation of
WICKED? Same verse. Since this heat life and consciousness -- TOTAL OBLIVION!

What is “Hell”?
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