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8 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 18

and transgressions and iniquities of all of the translated from the Greek huparcho (#5225 in
people upon the head of the goat, the high priest Strong’s). The second definition is VERY
was to “send him away by the hand of a FIT revealing -- “To come forth, hence TO BE
The word “fit” comes from the Hebrew Strong’s says, “be present or AT HAND.”
“timely, opportune, AT HAND.” Some Joseph of Arimathea was the “FIT” man,
translations render it “a timely man,” “a man of the one that was READY to perform the
opportunity,” or “an appointed man.” The Bible necessary details of claiming the body of the
reveals there was a man who was “AT HAND” Messiah and preparing it for burial.
at the right time, “APPOINTED” by
YEHOVAH God to lead the Messiah to his The Land Not Inhabited
“wilderness” separation. Who could that man
be? 1. Read Leviticus 16:22. To WHERE
Some believe this “fit man” to be the does the goat “bear upon him all their
angel that cast Satan into the bottomless pit. iniquities”?
Others believe it was fulfilled by the Roman COMMENT: Does this “land”
soldier, or officer, that carried out the crucifixion represent the grave, the tomb, the sepulcher of
of the Messiah. Still others think it was Judas Yeshua the Messiah? Notice some items of
because Acts 1:16 states that Judas “was guide interest here. The Hebrew word translated
to them that took Jesus.” However, NONE of “land” is used in a number of ways in the Old
these theories really fits the case. Testament -- generally as land, earth, country,
I ask, “WHO took away the body of the etc. However, one lexicon definition is “Sheol,
Messiah, pictured by this Azazel goat?” land without return,...” Sheol, as we know, is the
7. Read Matthew 27:57-60. Hebrew word often translated “hell” or the
COMMENT: We are familiar with the GRAVE.
story of Joseph of Arimathea going to Pilate and The Hebrew word for “inhabited” in the
begging the body of the Messiah. phrase “not inhabited” is gezerah (#1509 in
8. Read, now, Mark 15:42-46. Note, Strong’s Concordance) -- meaning “a desert (as
especially, verse 43. separated).” It comes from the root word gazar,
COMMENT: The descriptions of meaning “to cut down or off.” This is the ONLY
Joseph are very SIMILAR to the expression in PLACE it is used in the entire Old Testament. It
Leviticus -- “a fit man.” Mark 15:43 says he was means “a separation, a separate place.” It is
“an honourable counseller.” rendered as “a land cut off” in Green’s Literal
9. Notice Luke 23:50-53. Especially Bible and in the Jewish Publication Society’s
note verse 50. Holy Scriptures. Darby’s Translation has it “to
COMMENT: Luke says of Joseph, in a land apart [from men].”
verse 50, “...a counseller, and he was a good 2. What does the last portion of
man, and a just.” What does a “fit man” mean, as Leviticus 16:22 say? Doesn’t it say the Azazel
used in Leviticus 16:21? “Fit” is from the goat was to be let go by the fit man “in the
Hebrew ittiy (#6261 in Strong’s Concordance). wilderness”?
This is the ONLY PLACE it is used in the Old COMMENT: The word for “wilder-
Testament. The meaning is “timely, ready.” The ness” is defined as “wilderness, pasture,
word translated “man” means just that, a man. uninhabited land, large tracts of wilderness
In the descriptions given and quoted (around cities)...” What could be better defined
above regarding Joseph, it says “he was a good as a “land” or area that is “uninhabited” and cut
man.” The lexicon shows the word “good” to be off” than the GRAVE?

Day of Atonement -- AT-ONE-MENT with YEHOVAH God!
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