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12 Hope of Israel Ministries BIBLE Correspondence Course Lesson 18

us a free and DIRECT ACCESS to YEHOVAH COMMENT: “The Day” that Paul
God when he entered into the presence of mentions here as approaching is the
have direct access to YEHOVAH because of the is a day of FASTING, affliction of the flesh,
Messiah’s entry into YEHOVAH’s presence. doing without food and water. We should spend
4. Notice YEHOVAH’s promise in much time meditating on our lives, CON-
Hebrews 6:15 and His oath in Hebrews 6:17. FESSING our sins, and REPENTING and
COMMENT: In these two verses Paul assures looking to the sacrifice of the Messiah as
those of us who follow the Messiah that we are ATONEMENT for us, that we might be truly
God through Yeshua the Messiah. the Day of Atonement does not just picture OUR
5. What does Paul call this in Hebrews personal and individual repentance, remorse,
6:19? and contrition, and confessing of sin. It pictures
COMMENT: This ANCHOR is “a hope the day the sins of the ENTIRE NATION -- and
that enters into the inner shrine behind the by extension, THE ENTIRE WORLD -- are
curtain [veil] where Jesus has gone as a going to be “put away,” and “covered over,”
FORERUNNER on our behalf, having become a wiping away, and “atoned for,” by the Messiah!
high priest for ever after the order of 9. What was it the apostle Peter
Melchizedek” -- Hebrews 6:19-20. proclaimed was to occur when Yeshua the
6. The theme of JUDGMENT figures Messiah returns to earth? Acts 3:19-21. Note the
PROMINENTLY on the Day of Atonement. words “refreshing” and “restitution.” But what is
Hebrews 9:27-28. it that is to be restored to earth? Why, the
COMMENT: The Messiah’s work of government of YEHOVAH God!
JUDGMENT and CLEANSING will occur COMMENT: A whole new way of life
shortly after his return to the earth. Paul needs to be restored to mankind. It was once
associates human DEATH (which is followed by offered to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden,
the FINAL JUDGMENT -- see Hebrews but they quickly rejected it, being taken in by the
10:26-27) with the Messiah’s atoning death serpent’s subtle deception.
which is followed by his second appearance. In What the world needs is obedience to
this association the judgment is placed YEHOVAH God’s revealed will -- faith instead
concurrently with (or shortly after) his second of skepticism -- relying on the superior wisdom
appearance -- why? Because, at his coming, the and experience of the Creator instead of human
Messiah will EXECUTE JUDGMENT typified wisdom. We must do away with reasonings,
by the CLEANSING of the Day of Atonement. It feelings, desires, and emotions based on the
is a judgment that brings SALVATION to true pulls of the flesh when it comes to obeying
believers and PUNISHMENT to unbelievers. YEHOVAH God!
7. This is explained by Hebrews 9:28. The first step for restoration of Utopia is
COMMENT: The reason the Messiah reinstitution of YEHOVAH’s authority -- with
does not deal with sin at his second appearance is absolute enforcement and immediate punish-
because he comes, like the high priest on the Day ment for infraction of YEHOVAH’s law. There
of Atonement, NOT to atone for sin BUT TO will be a worldwide system of mayors, judges,
EXECUTE THE FINAL JUDGMENT, which is lesser and greater kings, etc. Yeshua referred to
to SAVE believers and PUNISH unbelievers. these offices in the parables. One will be given
8. In view of the pending JUDGMENT, rule over ten cities, another rule over five, and so
what does Paul admonish true Christians to do? forth (Luke 19:17, 19; Revelation 5:10).
Hebrews 10:23, 25. 10. What does Peter call the time when

Day of Atonement -- AT-ONE-MENT with YEHOVAH God!
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